About US

Who We Are?

Intemind Software Private Ltd is a software devlopment company dedicated to providing word class IT solution for problems of any complexity.The essence Intemind lies in its enterpreneurial spirit,extensive IT expertise proven methodical approach

The organizational philosophy of focus on quality ensures that the specific needs of customers are met with the best of technology solutions.Its prime objectives to provide high quality ,cost effective and effecient end to end software solutions to clients.


Intemind aspires to be a truly Global Fortune 500 Company by investing in reserach and providing latest technological solutionsfor its clients.
Intermind aspires te create Intellectual property(IP)in its journey through innovations


Intermind is commited to create intelligent systems and thereby affect the lives of people in posituibe ways.
The Company is commited towards the welfare of societies and states in its zones of operations .It believes in balancing the interests of people,Planet and profit as per United Nations Millennium Devlopments Goals.